Wednesday SXSW March 15, 2018 by Dogger The first day of the music festival was epic.. 4 stages at Spiderhouse and a ton of rock and roll, followed it up with a trek down to the Lost well for some heavy bands.. all in all a full day of rock and roll! Lady Killers Austin Texas Get on the ride at Spider house… Bridge Farmers Maybe? On fire…This dude Wailed..and quite the set up.. These Dudes were like the total 70’s Guitar rock! The Fantastic Plastics at Cherrywood Coffee shop.. They are from New York Everyone’s worst fear..the flute comes out at a rock and roll show… Guitar rock Reigned supreme, laughing Falcon here? Everywhere..Blasphemy! hehe.. The Munsens..From Austin, This was really good!! Signature Bourbon Vanilla at Prohibition Creamery! Sabbath Crow Later on at night at the Lost well What is going on at the Spiderhouse?